Thursday, May 18, 2017

May 18, 2017

I've updated the links to the right with Amazon links 😌.

My editor/logical advisor (aka one of my sisters) only proofread half of it, so I hope there aren't too many logical mistakes in the second half of the book. I hope this is book is entertaining to those who enjoy the genre.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May 17, 2017

Book #3, Zeke's Case, is up at the CreateSpace store! I will update the links for Amazon and Kindle tomorrow. I have proofread this book so many times that it will be embarrassing when I catch more mistakes, but so be it.

Now I will continue my work on book #4 without feeling like I'm cheating on book #3 😉.


Friday, May 12, 2017

May 12, 2017

Almost there...

Book three is nearly done. I have to go through it one more time and *hopefully* it will be ready.

Books one and two will be offline for a day (maybe two).

I started work on book four... and then I started work on book four again.
I've played with at least five different beginnings and I think I've finally found the point at which I'm supposed to begin.

Thank you to the five (I'm probably shooting too high with that figure, but, oh, well) people who have read my book! I really do appreciate it. 😊
