Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013

It's been awhile since I've posted any update. I know that if anyone stumbles upon this blog it is most likely from a random source. That's okay. I'm just happy if anyone visits. I guess knowing that so little people have read my book (maybe 5 people?) I haven't made as much progress on book two that I would have hoped to by now. The first book was short and an easy read and I don't see book two being much different than that - I just don't have time. That's wrong, I do have time, but I'm really tired when I have time to myself and a day off of work. I love writing - it's what I love to do - but I have other hobbies as well that get in the way. Let's just say that by the time I actually self-publish book two anyone who reads it will think, "That's it? That's what took three years to write? It's not exactly 700 pages."

That being said, the way I work is kind of strange. I don't write an outline necessarily, but I write what I want to happen in the book. These ideas change over the course of actually writing the book. As your characters start to lead you in the direction they want to go everything you thought they'd be doing changes. This causes me to start over quite a bit. Now I feel I'm headed in the right direction. I just hope I'm right.
